Intensive Individual Mandarin

LTL Mandarin School



Du erhältst 30 Stunden Einzelunterricht pro Woche; 6 Stunden täglich von Montag bis Freitag.


Hören, Sprechen, Aussprache, Lesen, Schreiben, Wortschatz und Grammatik


1-52 Wochen
Jeden Montag
Unterrichtseinheiten pro Woche
30 lessons per week (jede Kurseinheit entspricht 60 Minuten)
Montag - Freitag


08:00 - 12:00
13:00 - 15:00
10:00 - 12:00
13:00 - 17:00

Der Stundenplan kann sich aufgrund der aktuellen Verfügbarkeit und Saison ändern.

Niveau des Sprachkurses

Alle Sprachniveaus, Anfänger bis Fortgeschrittene
Sie werden am ersten Tag einen Einstufungstest in der Schule machen. Sie können diesen Test auch vor Ihrer Ankunft in Peking machen.


Durchschnitt 1 Student
Maximum 1 Student

Alter der Sprachschüler

Altersdurchschnitt 12 Jahre und älter
Durchschnitt 25 Jahre alt
(22 im Sommer)


Ein Zertifikat wird am Ende des Sprachkurses ausgestellt.


  • Gebäude von LTL Mandarin School 1/28
  • Apartments offered by LTL Mandarin School 2/28
  • Gastfamilien von LTL Mandarin School 3/28
  • Angebotenes Freizeitprogram von LTL Mandarin School 4/28
  • Classes at LTL Mandarin School 5/28
  • Sprachschüler von LTL Mandarin School 6/28
  • Angebotenes Freizeitprogram von LTL Mandarin School 7/28
  • Apartments offered by LTL Mandarin School 8/28
  • Angebotenes Freizeitprogram von LTL Mandarin School 9/28
  • Angebotenes Freizeitprogram von LTL Mandarin School 10/28
  • Angebotenes Freizeitprogram von LTL Mandarin School 11/28
  • Sprachschüler von LTL Mandarin School 12/28
  • Sprachschüler von LTL Mandarin School 13/28
  • Sprachschüler von LTL Mandarin School 14/28
  • Klassenzimmer von LTL Mandarin School 15/28
  • Sprachschüler von LTL Mandarin School 16/28
  • Lehrer und Angestellte bei LTL Mandarin School 17/28
  • Angebotenes Freizeitprogram von LTL Mandarin School 18/28
  • Angebotenes Freizeitprogram von LTL Mandarin School 19/28
  • Lehrer und Angestellte bei LTL Mandarin School 20/28
  • Angebotenes Freizeitprogram von LTL Mandarin School 21/28
  • Klassenzimmer von LTL Mandarin School 22/28
  • Angebotenes Freizeitprogram von LTL Mandarin School 23/28
  • Klassenzimmer von LTL Mandarin School 24/28
  • Klassenzimmer von LTL Mandarin School 25/28
  • Klassenzimmer von LTL Mandarin School 26/28
  • Klassenzimmer von LTL Mandarin School 27/28
  • Angebotenes Freizeitprogram von LTL Mandarin School 28/28


100% empfehlen

basierend auf 5 Bewertungen
5 Sterne
4 Sterne
3 Sterne
2 Sterne
1 Stern
Qualität des Unterrichts
Ausstattung der Sprachschule
Lage der Schule

"All encompassing"

Will Peever

Before I came to China, I really had no idea what school to pick or what to expect. However I am extremely glad I picked LTL. They took care of everything from finding a home-stay that really fit my needs, to dealing with my sim card problems when I lost my phone. In Beijing, they have a small classroom and the students there immediately became my friends. During my first week there I was invited to go bar hopping in Guomao, clubbing in Sanlitun, and to watch an acrobatic show. The standard curriculum they follow really gives you a strong foundation and the teachers there know it by heart. The teachers themselves were great and patient, every teacher I had was really passionate and made things like learning characters extremely interesting. My only complaint would be in my group classes, sometimes LTL would throw students with a lower level into the group which slow the group down. However eventually this wasn't a problem as I stayed long enough that I became the only student left in my group class and it became cheap 1-1!

I also spent a few months in Chengde which was exactly as they made it out to be. My progress in Chengde was about double the speed it was in Beijing because it truly is immersive. The coordinator they have there (even though when I was there recently gave birth) works really hard to keep you busy with things and often invites you out. As all my classes were 1-1, my teachers became a really close friend. In my last week my teacher took me out to eat three times, and treated me to an experience in a Chinese bath house!

I loved my home-stays, both in Beijing and Chengde, though I did hear stories from other students that had a hard time adjusting to some cultural aspects. I personally think this is entirely based on how open your mind is!

Overall, China is a phenomenal country and LTL helps open the doors for you. I'm planning to go back to study with them in a few months.


Meine Bewertung für diese Sprachschule

Qualität des Unterrichts
Ausstattung der Sprachschule
Lage der Schule
15 Wochen
29 Aug 2016 - 16 Dec 2016
Würden Sie die Sprachschule weiter empfehlen?
Bethan Williams, Student Advisor at LTL Mandarin School responded to this review.
04 January 2017

Thanks so much for this review Will. We are looking forward to having you back at LTL Beijing and LTL Shanghai later this year!

"Great school to learn Chinese with foreign management"

Tanja Weiss

After studying Chinese at other schools and not being so happy with them anymore, I decided to try LTL in Beijing and I'm glad I did. The school's location in the CBD which is very convenient, the teachers were good and I especially appreciated that the owner of the school was present almost every day. The management consists of both Chinese and foreigners which made sure that they know your needs and can help you in case there is a problem. I especially enjoyed the social activities such as joint dinners. The only negative point is that the school offers no shared or private apartments close to the school.


Meine Bewertung für diese Sprachschule

Qualität des Unterrichts
Ausstattung der Sprachschule
Lage der Schule
1 Woche
19 Sep 2016 - 30 Sep 2016
Würden Sie die Sprachschule weiter empfehlen?
Bethan, Student Advisor at LTL Mandarin School responded to this review.
12 October 2016

Thanks so much for your review Tanja. We're really glad you found us! Most of our Shared Apartments are walking distance from the school, but during the busy summer period it is often necessary to place students a little further away. I hope you'll return to study with us again one day anyway, we'd love to see you again.

"Amazing fun, social community, accompanying intense and effective learning."

Jack Woods

Classes: I had individual classes for one week. I found the teaching method rather plain and repetitive, as we essentially went page by page, exercise by exercise through the textbook. However, I managed to learn a huge amount in my 20h of study, and I have no doubt that this method is consistent and effective over longer time periods.

Teachers: My teacher was demanding but friendly, and pushed me to use my Chinese, always ensuring I did things correctly.

Location: Relatively easy to get to via metro, in a nice area.

Facilities: Comfortable, cosy, ample for the number of students there.

Activities: Absolutely loved the daily communal lunches and Wednesday pub quiz night, and have heard of many more activities happening weekly that I am loath to miss out on.

Housing: N/A

Overall: The community aspect of LTL ended up being the biggest draw-card for me, and shouldn't be underestimated. In between classes every hour, lunchtimes, and all organised group activities outside of class time, is an opportunity to make friends with similar minded people all learning Chinese. It makes learning the language fun and motivating, and the school really becomes somewhere you want to be every day. While I found the teaching method rather dry, the amount I learned and the friends I made more than made up for the hours of hard work. Big thumbs up.


Meine Bewertung für diese Sprachschule

Qualität des Unterrichts
Ausstattung der Sprachschule
Lage der Schule
26 Sep 2016 - 1 Oct 2016
Würden Sie die Sprachschule weiter empfehlen?
Bethan, Student Advisor at LTL Mandarin School responded to this review.
11 October 2016

It was really great having you here Jack, even if it was sadly for such a short time. We all hope to see you back here at some point in the future :-) I'm glad you enjoyed the Pub Quiz!

"Wonderful experience"

Chiara zanutto

My name is Chiara and I studied Chinese in Milan for three months. I liked it so much that I decided to spend my summer holidays in Beijing.
I have done a lot of research on the internet before choosing the school that is right for me: I was interested to discover how life would be like in China, I wanted to improve my knowledge of the Chinese language and culture, and I also wanted to make new friends.
At first, I was torn between a private school and a Chinese university because of cost reasons, but after a long research, I opted for LTL Mandarin School.
And I could not have chosen better! I attended the course just for two weeks, but my general impression was excellent.
Unlike in a university where you study in very large classes, the school LTL allows you to study in small groups (and you can also choose to take one-to-one lessons). As a result, you can thoroughly and deeply study all the topics. In a short time, you form friendships with students from all over the world and of all ages. LTL also facilitates integration by organizing various social activities (welcome breakfasts, dinners, trips, etc).
I was very amazed by the excellent organization of the school, both before departure (I always received all the information I needed and the answers to my questions in a short time) and during my stay in Beijing. All the staff at the school are always available to support you in everything you need.
A person who comes to China for the first time and does not speak Chinese needs to feel safe in some way and with LTL one can definitely feel safe!
To immerse myself in Chinese culture, I chose to stay in a host family and I was very satisfied. They have treated me like a daughter, cooking all the local delicacies and showering me with attention. LTL selects families with extreme accuracy!
I can say that it has improved my knowledge of the language as I wanted because in my host family we speak only Chinese (but you can choose to go to a family that speaks English). And I made some good friends that I hope to stay in contact with in the future.
Surely will attend another course with LTL soon as I'll have the possibility and maybe will choose the combination of group and one-to-one lessons to further explore topics that interest me more.
I highly recommended LTL to everyone!


Meine Bewertung für diese Sprachschule

Qualität des Unterrichts
Ausstattung der Sprachschule
Lage der Schule
1 Woche
1 Aug 2016 - 12 Aug 2016
Würden Sie die Sprachschule weiter empfehlen?
Bethan, Student Advisor at LTL Mandarin School responded to this review.
03 October 2016

Thank you, Chiara, for such a wonderful review. I hope you enjoyed your travels around China after the course and we hope to see you here again one day! Best wishes from the LTL team :-)

"Two years later and I still miss it."

Fred Patel

Choosing to study at LTL was probably the single most important and best decision I made for my China trip. I had heard about the school from a friend back home and liked the quick way they replied to my emails, so I booked a two month Chinese course and homestay with them.
I got very lucky. The family I stayed with was a lot of fun to stay with. I hadn't studied much Chinese beforehand, so communication was not easy at first, but Mr. and Ms. Li were the best hosts I could have hoped for. In the two months I lived with them, I must have been to at least 10 family dinners, met countless of their relatives, went with them on three hiking trips, their niece's wedding, and ate what was probably the world's best food on a daily basis. Eating Chinese food at a restaurant has been a disappointment ever since, as none of them can compare with Ms. Li's cooking. We are still in touch and I hope they will come and visit me in the states next year.
The Chinese course at LTL was intensive and very professional. My two teachers, were both very professional and patient, which made classes both fun and effective. I learned a lot more Chinese in those two months than I thought I could have due to the combination of living with a Chinese family and intensive classes. I was very pleased with my progress.
The LTL team is very nice and friendly and provided me with a lot of support with any practical issues I had regarding living in China. I also met a lot of very interesting other international students at the school, some of which I am still in touch with today and I am very greateful for.
Overall, my stay with LTL was highly satisfactory.


Meine Bewertung für diese Sprachschule

Qualität des Unterrichts
Ausstattung der Sprachschule
Lage der Schule
7 Wochen
4 Jun 2012 - 27 Jul 2012
Würden Sie die Sprachschule weiter empfehlen?
Bethan, Student Advisor at LTL Mandarin School responded to this review.
03 October 2016

Thank you for such a brilliant review, we're so glad you enjoyed your course, and your stay with the Li family too!



LTL Mandarin School bietet folgende Unterkunfte an:

Gastfamilie - Einzelzimmer - Frühstück und Abendessen

503 €

Homestay - Half Board

Altersdurchschnitt: 12 Jahre und älter
Lage: In the city center of Peking
Unterkunftstyp: Gastfamilie
Zimmertyp: Einzelzimmer
Verpflegungstyp: Frühstück und Abendessen (14 Mahlzeiten pro Woche)
Entfernung zur Schule: 5 - 45 Minuten mit dem weg
Verfügbarkeit: Januar - Dezember
Anreise: Sonntag, jederzeit
Abreise: Samstag, jederzeit
503 €
Wir sind sehr stolz auf unsere Gastfamilien in Peking. Alle Gastfamilien werden sehr sorgfältig von uns ausgewählt und die meisten von ihnen hatten schon viele Gastschüler vor dir. So kennt deine Gastfamilie in China eventuelle Schwierigkeiten, auf die du als Ausländer am Anfang deines Aufenthalts stoßen könntest. Du wirst dich schnell in unsere Gastfamilien integrieren können und so den Alltag in einer chinesischen Familie hautnah erleben. Außerdem hast du in der Gastfamilie die Chance, viel Chinesisch zu sprechen, da deine Gastfamilie nur sehr wenig Englisch sprechen wird.

Du probierst chinesische Gerichte, lernst die Kultur kennen und kannst dich mit den Mitgliedern deiner Familie auf Chinesisch austauschen. Das ist eine sehr intensive Erfahrung, vor allem, wenn du dich aktiv in das Familienleben einbringst.

Werde Teil einer chinesischen Familie
Lerne rund um die Uhr Chinesisch
Inklusive Frühstück und Abendessen in deiner Familie
Eigenes Zimmer
WLAN und Nebenkosten inklusive
Erkunde Peking mit deiner chinesischen Familie
Viele unserer Schüler unternehmen auch am Wochenende etwas mit ihren Gastfamilien. Natürlich hast du in deiner Gastfamilie aber auch dein eigenes Zimmer, und so deine Privatsphäre, in die du dich zurückziehen kannst.

Sowohl während deines Chinesischkurses als auch in deiner Gastfamilie in China werden wir dich ermutigen, so viel Chinesisch wie möglich zu sprechen. Dadurch wirst du schnelle Lernfortschritte machen. Außerdem kannst du so mehr über China erfahren und neue chinesische Freunde finden.

Lerne schneller Chinesisch
Lerne schneller Chinesisch
Lebe die Sprache – Sprich jeden Tag viel Chinesisch

Kultur – Du erhältst einen Einblick in die Kultur Chinas

Wiederholen – Übe mit deiner Familie, was du im Unterricht gelernt hast

Komfortable Umgebung
Komfortable Umgebung
Ausgewählte Familien – Die Gastfamilien werden sorgfältig ausgewählt

Echtes China – Werde Teil einer chinesischen Familie

Alles inklusive – Alle Nebenkosten sind im Paket enthalten

Hilfe – Deine chinesische Familie und LTL werden immer da sein, um zu helfen

Experten für Gastfamilien
Experten für Gastfamilien
Erfahrung – Über 80% unserer Schüler wählen die Gastfamilie

Für dich ausgesucht – Wir sind sorgfältig bei der Zuteilung von Gastfamilien

Auswahl – Vegetarisch, glutenfrei, halal, vegan. Teile uns deine Präferenzen beim Essen mit

Erlebe China
Erlebe China
Frisches Essen – Probiere jeden Tag ein neues Gericht der chinesischen Küche

Wochenende und Feierabend – Reise mit deiner chinesischen Familie und erlebe ein Abenteuer

Alltag – Erlebe chinesisches Fernsehen, Musik und vieles mehr

TRITT MIT UNS IN KONTAKT – Erzähle uns von deinen Erwartungen und Wünschen und wir beraten dich gerne.
GIB UNS MEHR INFORMATIONEN – Fülle den Fragebogen für Gastfamilien auf unserer Website aus. So können wir die Familie finden, die zu dir passt.
EINE WOCHE VOR DEINER ANKUNFT – Du erhältst Informationen über deine Familie mit einigen Fotos und deren Adresse. Kontaktiere sie, wann immer du willst.
TAG DER ANKUNFT IN CHINA – Wenn du das Abhol- oder Survival Kit gebucht hast, dann steht dir unser privater Fahrer zur Verfügung. Ansonsten kannst du mit einem Taxi zu deiner Familienunterkunft fahren. Sobald du ankommst, wirst du deine neue chinesische Familie kennenlernen. Ihr werdet gemeinsam zu Abend essen und dies ist die erste Gelegenheit, Chinesisch zu sprechen!
ERSTER TAG AN DER SCHULE – Deine Familie wird dich am ersten Unterrichtstag zur Schule bringen, damit du dir keine Sorgen darüber machen musst, dich zu verirren. Hier triffst du die anderen Schüler und das LTL-Team in Peking.

Die Tabelle zeigt eine vollständige Liste der Preise für unser Gastfamilienprogramm in Peking. Alle Preise sind in chinesischem Yuan (CNY) angegeben.

Falls du dir nicht sicher bist, ob das Leben in einer Gastfamilie das Richtige für dich ist, können wir dich gerne in Kontakt mit früheren LTL Schülern bringen, die schon in einer unserer chinesischen Familien gelebt haben.

Appartement - Einzelzimmer - Ohne Mahlzeiten

503 €

Shared apartment Ensuite Bathroom

Altersdurchschnitt: 18 Jahre und älter
Lage: In the city center of Peking
Unterkunftstyp: Wohngemeinschaft
Zimmertyp: Einzelzimmer
Verpflegungstyp: Ohne Mahlzeiten
Ausstattung: WLAN, klimaanlage, und heizung
Entfernung zur Schule: 30 - 40 Minuten mit dem untergrundbahn
Verfügbarkeit: Januar - Dezember
Anreise: Sonntag, jederzeit
Abreise: Samstag, jederzeit
503 €
Economy / Standard Shared Apartment
We offer two different types of shared apartments - Economy and Standard shared apartments. Economy and standard shared apartments are quite similar, the main difference is that there is no kitchen or common area in the Economy shared apartment. Our shared apartments are great options if you have a limited budget.

The economy shared apartments are located near the university (four subway stations away from the LTL). Our standard shared apartments are spread over the city, but also only a relatively short subway ride from the school.

Our shared apartments are Chinese standard, so you can not expect 4 or 5 star hotels!

Small bedroom
This room is a bit smaller, about 15 square meters. The room is equipped with a bed, bedding, TV, wardrobe and desk. You also have access to a shared bathroom. It is also possible that you book the accommodation for a longer period than your Chinese course. If you want this, just let us know when you make your booking.

Since you share a bathroom with local Chinese students in this accommodation option, before you book a shared apartment, you should be aware that hygiene standards are different around the world. Your definition of hygiene and that of your roommates can be very different.

Large bedroom
Comfortable beds in our shared apartmentsComfortable beds in our shared apartments
Our large bedroom is quite spacious with 25 square meters, and you also have your own bathroom. In the large bedroom of our shared apartments you have a double bed. Therefore, if a second person shares the room with you, there are no additional costs.

If you're lucky, you'll get a room on the higher floors of the house and have a great view of Beijing. We recommend this accommodation option if you value more independence and privacy.

If you have further questions about the different options of our shared apartments, feel free to contact us.

Further information about the economy shared apartments

All our economy shared apartments are located in the same residential building
Paid access to swimming pool and gym available
the roommates are mostly students of China Media and Communication University
four subway stations away from our language school (from the Media and Communication University Station to Dawanglu Station)
residential Communities residential Communities
Air conditioning - In general, air conditioning is only used in July and August when it is very hot in Beijing. Here you should note that the use of the air conditioner consumes a lot of electricity and therefore incur extra costs.

The price for the use of the air conditioning depends on the current electricity prices. Roughly speaking, the use of air conditioning in a small room costs 400 CNY per month, in a large room 500 CNY. These costs can be paid directly to the owner of your apartment, also in cash.

PLEASE NOTE - If you would like to live in a higher class apartment, have a look at our host families in Beijing .

As you will share your accommodation with Chinese students, you should be aware that the standard of hygiene may not be what you are used to at home.

One-room apartment

Bathroom in the Beijing apartmentBathroom in the Beijing apartment
Our one-bedroom apartment is right for you if you care about privacy. Our apartments, as well as the area in which they are located, were all checked by us in advance and are very safe. The residential complex also has a 24-hour reception and a security service. In addition, Beijing is generally one of the safest cities in the world.

In the immediate vicinity of your accommodation are numerous restaurants, shops and supermarkets where you can do your daily shopping. All possible additional costs, eg for water, electricity and heating are included in the price listed below. Our one-bedroom apartments can accommodate one to two people. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.

Although our one-bedroom apartments offer a higher level of comfort, you should be aware that Chinese apartments may generally deviate from European standards in terms of quality, furnishings, etc. To calm you down, we can send you more photos of the accommodation. Or, we'll put you in touch with one of our former students who also booked this apartment option and you can direct your question directly to him / her. Depending on availability, you can change your apartment later.

NOTE - You can only book one of our one-bedroom apartments when you visit one of our Chinese courses in Beijing .

Blankets, pillows and sheets
writing desk
Additional costs (without air conditioning)
Police registration
Support from your landlord

Appartement - Einzelzimmer - Ohne Mahlzeiten

869 €

Studio Apartment

Altersdurchschnitt: 18 Jahre und älter
Lage: In the city center of Peking
Unterkunftstyp: Private Wohnung
Zimmertyp: Einzelzimmer
Verpflegungstyp: Ohne Mahlzeiten
Ausstattung: Privates Badezimmer, wLAN, kostenloses Internet, klimaanlage, und heizung
Entfernung zur Schule: 30 - 40 Minuten mit dem untergrundbahn
Verfügbarkeit: Januar - Dezember
Anreise: Sonntag, nach 12:00
Abreise: Samstag, vor 02:00
869 €
Economy / Standard Shared Apartment
We offer two different types of shared apartments - Economy and Standard shared apartments. Economy and standard shared apartments are quite similar, the main difference is that there is no kitchen or common area in the Economy shared apartment. Our shared apartments are great options if you have a limited budget.

The economy shared apartments are located near the university (four subway stations away from the LTL). Our standard shared apartments are spread over the city, but also only a relatively short subway ride from the school.

Our shared apartments are Chinese standard, so you can not expect 4 or 5 star hotels!

Small bedroom
This room is a bit smaller, about 15 square meters. The room is equipped with a bed, bedding, TV, wardrobe and desk. You also have access to a shared bathroom. It is also possible that you book the accommodation for a longer period than your Chinese course. If you want this, just let us know when you make your booking.

Since you share a bathroom with local Chinese students in this accommodation option, before you book a shared apartment, you should be aware that hygiene standards are different around the world. Your definition of hygiene and that of your roommates can be very different.

Large bedroom
Comfortable beds in our shared apartmentsComfortable beds in our shared apartments
Our large bedroom is quite spacious with 25 square meters, and you also have your own bathroom. In the large bedroom of our shared apartments you have a double bed. Therefore, if a second person shares the room with you, there are no additional costs.

If you're lucky, you'll get a room on the higher floors of the house and have a great view of Beijing. We recommend this accommodation option if you value more independence and privacy.

If you have further questions about the different options of our shared apartments, feel free to contact us.

Further information about the economy shared apartments

All our economy shared apartments are located in the same residential building
Paid access to swimming pool and gym available
the roommates are mostly students of China Media and Communication University
four subway stations away from our language school (from the Media and Communication University Station to Dawanglu Station)
residential Communities residential Communities
Air conditioning - In general, air conditioning is only used in July and August when it is very hot in Beijing. Here you should note that the use of the air conditioner consumes a lot of electricity and therefore incur extra costs.

The price for the use of the air conditioning depends on the current electricity prices. Roughly speaking, the use of air conditioning in a small room costs 400 CNY per month, in a large room 500 CNY. These costs can be paid directly to the owner of your apartment, also in cash.

PLEASE NOTE - If you would like to live in a higher class apartment, have a look at our host families in Beijing .

As you will share your accommodation with Chinese students, you should be aware that the standard of hygiene may not be what you are used to at home.

One-room apartment

Bathroom in the Beijing apartmentBathroom in the Beijing apartment
Our one-bedroom apartment is right for you if you care about privacy. Our apartments, as well as the area in which they are located, were all checked by us in advance and are very safe. The residential complex also has a 24-hour reception and a security service. In addition, Beijing is generally one of the safest cities in the world.

In the immediate vicinity of your accommodation are numerous restaurants, shops and supermarkets where you can do your daily shopping. All possible additional costs, eg for water, electricity and heating are included in the price listed below. Our one-bedroom apartments can accommodate one to two people. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.

Although our one-bedroom apartments offer a higher level of comfort, you should be aware that Chinese apartments may generally deviate from European standards in terms of quality, furnishings, etc. To calm you down, we can send you more photos of the accommodation. Or, we'll put you in touch with one of our former students who also booked this apartment option and you can direct your question directly to him / her. Depending on availability, you can change your apartment later.

NOTE - You can only book one of our one-bedroom apartments when you visit one of our Chinese courses in Beijing .

Blankets, pillows and sheets
writing desk
Additional costs (without air conditioning)
Police registration
Support from your landlord


Leider können wir für Sie kein Visum beantragen. Falls Sie ein Visum benötigen, kann Ihnen die Schule alle nötigen Unterlagen einschließlich der Annahmebestätigung und Quittung über die Zahlung der Gebühren zuschicken.

Ihre Buchungsbestätigung wird kostenfrei per Post an Ihre Heimatadresse geschickt.

Flüge und Flughafentransfer

Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Peking based on your budget, schedule and preferences.


Sorglos im Ausland studieren mit einer Kranken- und Reiseversicherung von Language International. Wenn Sie einen Kurs bei uns buchen, können Sie auch eine international gültige Versicherung buchen, die nicht nur Ihre Kosten im Krankheitsfall deckt, sondern auch den Verlust Ihres Gepäcks. Sie müssen Ihre Versicherung im voraus bei Ihrer Anmeldung buchen.

Erfahren Sie mehr über unsere Versicherung »


Fragen und Antworten

Haben Sie noch Fragen? Erhalten Sie Antworten von unseren Sprachreisenberatern und den Mitarbeitern und früheren Studenten des LTL Mandarin School.

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