Alexandria Institute



Studieren Sie Altgriechisch in Athen, dem Ort, an dem die größten Intellektuellen der Antike lebten und lehrten.

Das Alexandria-Institut bietet beschleunigte Gruppenkurse in altgriechischer Sprache und Kultur in Athen für Grund-, Mittel- und Fortgeschrittene an. Der Unterricht kann sich auf eine, zwei, vier oder mehr Wochen erstrecken und am ersten und dritten Montag eines jeden Monats beginnen.
Unsere Leidenschaft für die griechische Sprache und unser Fachwissen im Unterrichten von Altgriechisch haben uns mit den entsprechenden Werkzeugen ausgestattet und dazu beigetragen, dass jede Sitzung zu einer lehrreichen, interessanten und ansprechenden Erfahrung wird. Die Stadt Athen verfügt über ein unvergleichliches historisches Erbe und ist ideal für die Ausrichtung der Bildungs- und Kulturveranstaltungen des Instituts. Hier blühte der attische griechische Dialekt auf, eine Sprache, die von produktiven griechischen Schriftstellern verwendet wurde, und hier lebten und lehrten die klügsten altgriechischen Köpfe. Folgen Sie dem Weg von Sokrates und Paulus dem Apostel und gönnen Sie sich eine einzigartige pädagogische und akademische Erfahrung.
Wir sind in erster Linie darauf ausgerichtet, die besonderen Bedürfnisse, Vorlieben und Interessen jedes Studenten zu identifizieren, um die Kurse entsprechend anzupassen. Eine Auswahl sorgfältig bearbeiteter Texte soll Sie mit Vokabeln, Grammatik und Syntax sowie den Grundlagen der antiken griechischen Zivilisation vertraut machen. Zusätzlich zu den Unterrichtsstunden macht der Kurs durch eine Vielzahl von erbaulichen Aktivitäten auf einen kulturellen Aspekt aufmerksam, um den Besuch der Schüler in Athen zu einer gründlichen pädagogischen und kulturellen Erfahrung zu machen.
Unabhängig davon, ob Ihre Freizeit auf zwei Wochen begrenzt ist oder Sie mehr verdienen können, kann das Alexandria Institute einen Zeitplan erstellen, der Ihren Anforderungen und Fähigkeiten entspricht.

Unsere Kurse beinhalten:
1. Unterrichtsmaterial
2. Ein kultureller Spaziergang oder eine Führung zu einem Museum
3. Eine griechische Filmvorführung oder ein Vortrag zu einem Thema der griechischen Kultur
4. Freier Zugang zur Leihbibliothek des Instituts
5. Kostenloses WLAN
6. Ein Abendessen
7. Teilnahmebescheinigung

Der Unterricht beginnt jeden ersten und dritten Montag im Monat, Montag bis Freitag, ab 10.15 Uhr. An nationalen Feiertagen werden die Make-up-Stunden zu den verbleibenden Tagen hinzugefügt. Das Alexandria Institute behält sich das Recht vor, den Zeitplan zu ändern und einige Nachmittags- / Abendkurse zu arrangieren, falls Tutoren oder Räume nicht verfügbar sind.
Zeitplan: 2 bis 4 Stunden pro Tag, abhängig von der Anzahl der Teilnehmer
1 Schüler - 2 Stunden am Tag
2 Studenten - 3 Stunden am Tag
3 bis 7 Schüler - 4 Stunden am Tag


Hören, Sprechen, Aussprache, Lesen, Schreiben, Wortschatz, Grammatik und Aktivitäten


1-8 Wochen
Jeden ersten Montag im Monat
Unterrichtseinheiten pro Woche
20 lessons per week (jede Kurseinheit entspricht 50 Minuten)
Montag - Freitag
25 Mär 2025, 18 Apr 2025, 21 Apr 2025, 01 Mai 2025, 09 Jun 2025, 28 Okt 2025, 25 Dez 2025 - 26 Dez 2025, 01 Jan 2026


You can choose from the following class times:

10:00 - 14:00
15:00 - 19:00

Der Stundenplan kann sich aufgrund der aktuellen Verfügbarkeit und Saison ändern.

Niveau des Sprachkurses

Alle Sprachniveaus, Anfänger bis Fortgeschrittene
Sie werden am ersten Tag einen Einstufungstest in der Schule machen. Sie können diesen Test auch vor Ihrer Ankunft in Athen machen.


Durchschnitt 3 Studenten
Maximum 7 Studenten

Alter der Sprachschüler

Altersdurchschnitt 17 Jahre und älter
Durchschnitt 35 Jahre alt


Ein Zertifikat wird am Ende des Sprachkurses ausgestellt.


  • Sprachschüler von Alexandria Institute 1/15
  • Angebotenes Freizeitprogram von Alexandria Institute 2/15
  • Angebotenes Freizeitprogram von Alexandria Institute 3/15
  • Klassenzimmer von Alexandria Institute 4/15
  • City of Athen 5/15
  • Klassenzimmer von Alexandria Institute 6/15
  • Klassenzimmer von Alexandria Institute 7/15
  • Angebotenes Freizeitprogram von Alexandria Institute 8/15
  • Sprachschüler von Alexandria Institute 9/15
  • Angebotenes Freizeitprogram von Alexandria Institute 10/15
  • Angebotenes Freizeitprogram von Alexandria Institute 11/15
  • Klassenzimmer von Alexandria Institute 12/15
  • Sprachschüler von Alexandria Institute 13/15
  • Sprachschüler von Alexandria Institute 14/15
  • Angebotenes Freizeitprogram von Alexandria Institute 15/15


100% empfehlen

basierend auf 11 Bewertungen
5 Sterne
4 Sterne
3 Sterne
2 Sterne
1 Stern
Qualität des Unterrichts
Ausstattung der Sprachschule
Lage der Schule

"I had a lovely time in a beautiful place"

Sarah Papadopoulou

We had a lovely time and the teachers were supporting a very good communication as in actually speaking the language. What I found a bit hard is that the level of each student was very different. It was hard for everyone to please the need of each student.

Sometimes there was too much translation in English but ok.
I liked the atmosphere in the group and the excursions we did!!!

Andreas and Baio were really giving us a good time with nice food and good company. I have to say that my decision of doing only one week was not the best. I needed almost three days to get back into the language before I started to actually learn more. So the time was too short. Next time I will do it again for two weeks.


Meine Bewertung für diese Sprachschule

Qualität des Unterrichts
Ausstattung der Sprachschule
Lage der Schule
5 Jul 2021 - 9 Jul 2021
Würden Sie die Sprachschule weiter empfehlen?
Andreas Tselikas, Head of teaching at Alexandria Institute responded to this review.
21 July 2021

Thank you very much for your kind words Sarah! Looking forward to seeing you next time as well!

"I had a great time there."

Mayumi Kimura

teachers : Ελένη Κάρκοι
location : Νέα Ιωνία
activities : Walking in Nea Ionia and eating and drinking in Taverna, eating and drinking in Taverna in Athens.

Nea Ionia is a quiet town about 15 minutes by metro from Omonia.
ALEXANDRIA INSTITUTE is located on the 4th floor of a building about 5 minutes from the station.
Head of studies Andreas Tselikas is a very caring and kind person.
Ελένη is an excellent teacher.
Teaching Greek carefully to me who is not good at English.
Greek was an introductory version, but it was easy to understand and remember.
I got a very good opportunity to study Greek. Thank you very much.
Of course, I enjoyed walking and talking in Nea Pionia, eating and talking in Taverna.
It was a fun memory to be invited to the anniversary party and meet many students.
I'm really thankful to you.
I am looking forward to seeing you again.


Meine Bewertung für diese Sprachschule

Qualität des Unterrichts
Ausstattung der Sprachschule
Lage der Schule
1 Woche
20 Jan 2020 - 31 Jan 2020
Würden Sie die Sprachschule weiter empfehlen?

"A fun way to learn,"

Karen Wallace

They make learning fun. I attended the school in Athens where our lovely teachers explained grammar to us so we could understand some basic principals. I learned to read and write...not well...but progress for a beginner. The teachers were always happy and willing to explain and help. In Xios it was a more relaxed atmosphere where the emphasis was on communicating. Having learned a few basics in Athens helped this immensely. The relaxed atmosphere helped and the classes were really enjoyable. I highly recommend the....I am planning to attend more next year.


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Ausstattung der Sprachschule
Lage der Schule
1 Woche
14 Jan 2019 - 25 Jan 2019
Würden Sie die Sprachschule weiter empfehlen?

"Learning Greek with culture."

Ignacio Serani

I do a course of 2 weeks every year. What I like first, is that they split the group according to the level with the language, something that I appreciate as due to the fact I'm living in Athens my level of Greek is usually more advance than the regular students who are coming to Greece just for the course. Second, I enjoy very much the structure of the course as you learn the language through texts, songs and general discussions related with Greek history [Ancient and Modern], Greek literature [Ancient and Modern] and Greek Music . And third, they do a sort of rotation with the teachers they have making the course more interesting as every teacher has its own style. In regard of the location, even though the institute is not close to the main archeological sites in the center, it is close to a metro station and on a typical neighborhood of the city with several restaurants and shops, having the possibility to have a real taste of the everyday life in the city. As I have to go the work after the lessons I can't assist to the activities they organize thereafter, but the time I went it was to an archeological site outside of the city [Marathon] finishing with a super nice lunch in a place full of restaurants in front of the sea! I know they organize visits to the museums in the center, to other archaeological sites outside of the city and even to some places with Greek live music. They also organize some evenings on the institute where they show Greek movies with a decent projector they have - which is good as looking for Greek movies it's not a easy task. My experience is very positive because it's not only the language that I learn but it's also the access to the culture of the country that makes me go every year. Finally, I would say that even though the institute is not so big the facilities are super nice being easier to interact with the other students and making the groups to be maximum of 5 /6 people that it's great.


Meine Bewertung für diese Sprachschule

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Ausstattung der Sprachschule
Lage der Schule
1 Woche
25 Mar 2019 - 5 Apr 2019
Würden Sie die Sprachschule weiter empfehlen?
Andreas Tselikas, Head of teaching at Alexandria Institute responded to this review.
29 November 2019

Hello, Ignacio!

Thank you for your excellent review. We will see you soon!

"About Ελληνικά Α, Aesop and Hercules. A fourtnight with the Alexandria Institute in Athens"

Albert Groen

Since 1969, the year in which we met each other, we visited Greece almost each year, sometimes twice. Me and my wife Cornelia. She had a classical training with Old-Greek and had been in Greece for a longer time. And for years I followed her when she spoke in Greek and I used some words like καλημέρα. Now beeing retired we decided to pay attention to the beautiful Greek language by subscribing to a course in the country itself. To the Alexandria Institute.
In spring of this year we went together to the beginners-course in Chios. We had a great time, learning, exploring the island and meeting the people. Returned home I decided to attempt to get more knowledge. I subscribed for the Skype-course and Andreas found me an excellent teacher, Xará Tsιchli
by October we had reached chapter six of ‘Ελληνκά Α’.
Iin Oktober I travelled to Athens in order to attend a 2-weeks class. Andreas and Irene worked with me through the chapters seven and eight. As extra’s Irene told me about Zeus’ son Herakles, born to unite the Greek people, and about Aesop’s fables.
I enjoyed the stay in the institute, had a wonderful time with my teachers and hope to return to Athens in the autumn of 2020


Meine Bewertung für diese Sprachschule

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Ausstattung der Sprachschule
Lage der Schule
1 Woche
20 Oct 2019 - 1 Nov 2019
Würden Sie die Sprachschule weiter empfehlen?
Andreas Tselikas, Head of teaching at Alexandria Institute responded to this review.
29 November 2019

Dear Albert,

Thank you so much for your kind words! We hope to see you again soon!

"Within a nice friendly week or weeks, with lots of joy and expriences you can improve both your Greek language and Culture"

Yeşim Tuncel

I attended to the lessons of Alexandria Institute in Athens for many times in winter and also to the courses in Chios, in Paros at summer. They are; as a language school doing their best more than I accepted. It is not only a language school, it is like an international school uniting people all around the world. The teachers are young, friendly and patient philologists. They always understand the student’s needs and difficulties in learning Greek and give special effort to solve them. The teaching materials and the books are well organized with the related source books on the bookcase. I also continue on having Skype lessons once a week through the year.
Although the location of the Instıtute is not at the centre of Athens, it is easy to arrive there with a Green Line (metro) and with an additional little walk.
The lessons are held according to the prefrences of the students and their time limitations. It could be group or private lessons. The rooms where the lessons are taken were day lighted, spacious and airy.
Sometimes you can also have chance to get together with the teachers and have greek language practises in daily life either at lunch or for a cafe or daily sight seeking or a visit to a museum, workshops etc. for more involvement to Greek culture.


Meine Bewertung für diese Sprachschule

Qualität des Unterrichts
Ausstattung der Sprachschule
Lage der Schule
1 Woche
24 May 2018 - 31 May 2018
Würden Sie die Sprachschule weiter empfehlen?
Andreas Tselikas, Head of teaching at Alexandria Institute responded to this review.
29 November 2019

Hello, Yesim!

Thank you so much for your excellent review!
It is our pleasure to have students as amazing as you.

"Extremely satisfactory. Excellent attention to all my needs. Personal care. Friendship and sensitivity. I learned a lot, languite, history and culture."

Alberto Bradanini

Actually I was alone, but the attention towards my desires and needs has been spontaneous and extremely efficient. I enjoyed a lot the personal friendship that developed with Alexandria staff.
I hope to have time again to repeat this great experience.


Meine Bewertung für diese Sprachschule

Qualität des Unterrichts
Ausstattung der Sprachschule
Lage der Schule
1 Woche
4 Feb 2018 - 16 Feb 2018
Würden Sie die Sprachschule weiter empfehlen?
Andreas Tselikas, Head of teaching at Alexandria Institute responded to this review.
28 November 2019

Dear Alberto,

Thank you very much for your kind words!

It was great having you as a student and we hope to see you again soon.

"I can't recommend Alexandria Institute enough."

Amit Friedman

I innitially heard about Alexandria Language Institue and Andreas back in 2014, when I was looking for a special kind of vacation in Greece that would enable me to study the language. I enlisted for the two week program in the vilage of Methoni in the Polopenese, where Andreas and his team were teaching me and my classmates for two weeks in September. Andreas and his team were much much more professional that I'd ever expected,they were determined to teach us the Greek language and let us enjoy ourselves while we're at it. They didn't only use books and excercises, but also songs and fun stuff, and to say I had a blast, is an understatement. Andreas always felt to me like he was BORN to be a Greek teacher, his life's purpose is to bring the language to foreign people who are interested in Greek culture and language, and being in his presence alsways feels special. During those two weeks he also took the time to show us around in the area of the Poloponese, and we saw lots of Greek sites of interest.

After this wonderful experience in 2014, I came back in 2017 and in 2019 to the city of Athens and studied with Andreas again in his Nea Iwnia school. For me, this is the perfect vacation, and I love advencing slowly in my language skills. I can't recommend Andreas and his team enough, you will be in good hands. I can't see myself learning Greek anywhere else.


Meine Bewertung für diese Sprachschule

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Ausstattung der Sprachschule
Lage der Schule
1 Woche
13 Apr 2019 - 20 Apr 2019
Würden Sie die Sprachschule weiter empfehlen?
Andreas Tselikas, Head of teaching at Alexandria Institute responded to this review.
28 November 2019

Hello, Amit!

Thank you so much for your amazing review. It is great to hear that our efforts are appreciated by our students!

We are looking forward to seeing you again soon.

"Fantastic teachers, very good materials and a very wide offer of subjects to study"

Beatriz González Menéndez

The teachers of Alexandria Institute are fantastic, very well qualified and very helpful for every thing you can need. Classes are very good organized and adapted to the students. Apart from the classes, there are always activities to do in the afternoon that are a very good complement to the contents of the classes.
I attended a course of Alexandria Institute for the first time in the summer of 2017, in Paros. After that, I’ve attended three more curses with them and the next one will be on Christmas in Athens. I really like the way they work!


Meine Bewertung für diese Sprachschule

Qualität des Unterrichts
Ausstattung der Sprachschule
Lage der Schule
1 Woche
18 Aug 2019 - 29 Aug 2019
Würden Sie die Sprachschule weiter empfehlen?
Andreas Tselikas, Head of teaching at Alexandria Institute responded to this review.
28 November 2019

Dear Beatriz,

Thank you very much for your excellent review.

We are looking forward to seeing you again next month!

"A fantastic experience"

Heleen Ree

The school is in a quiet street in Nea Ionia, a really nice area of Athens. You can reach the school very easily by metro, it is about 5 minutes walk from the metro station Nea Ionia on the line to Kifissia. The school has two classrooms with a lot of daylight which makes the atmosphere very peaceful and cozy.
The teachers are very welcoming and helpful. They teach with different methods, they use modern techniques and they make small groups on different levels, so everybody get teached on his/her level. During one week I learned so much to understand and to speak which was great to go on to learn the Greek language.
After the lessons there is enough time to discover Athens, there is a lot to see in all the different areas of the city and also there are some interesting museums. Some days the teachers will organize excursions after the lessons and some days you will go by yourself with some other students. Also often you eat together with the teachers after the lessons in a taverna and you try to go on talking in Greek! I had a wonderful week in Athens, not only because of the lessons, but also because of the whole atmosphere and the activities beside the lessons, I hope I will have the chance to go again.


Meine Bewertung für diese Sprachschule

Qualität des Unterrichts
Ausstattung der Sprachschule
Lage der Schule
1 Woche
8 Mar 2017 - 16 Mar 2017
Würden Sie die Sprachschule weiter empfehlen?
Andreas Tselikas, Head of teaching at Alexandria Institute responded to this review.
26 November 2019

Dear Heleen,

Thank you very much for your review. We are glad to hear that you enjoyed your course in Athens!

It was our pleasure having you as a student and we hope to see you again soon.


Roberta Russo

I first met the Alexandria Institute teachers on Skype lessons, and I really improved my skills.
Then, I attended a 2 weeks language course in Paros, and I fixed all that I learned previously, having the opportunity to speak with local people, attending cinema evenings, dance lessons and all the activities organised by the school.
I would only recommend a more balanced composition of the classrooms, so that they are composed by people with the same level of skills.


Meine Bewertung für diese Sprachschule

Qualität des Unterrichts
Ausstattung der Sprachschule
Lage der Schule
1 Woche
3 Jul 2017 - 14 Jul 2017
Würden Sie die Sprachschule weiter empfehlen?
Andreas Tselikas, Head of teaching at Alexandria Institute responded to this review.
26 November 2019

Dear Roberta,

Thank you very much for your kind words. We are happy that you are satisfied by our online lessons and our program in Paros!

It was our pleasure having you as a student and we hope to see you again soon.



Leider können wir für Studenten kein Visum beantragen.

Flüge und Flughafentransfer

Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Athen based on your budget, schedule and preferences.


Sorglos im Ausland studieren mit einer Kranken- und Reiseversicherung von Language International. Wenn Sie einen Kurs bei uns buchen, können Sie auch eine international gültige Versicherung buchen, die nicht nur Ihre Kosten im Krankheitsfall deckt, sondern auch den Verlust Ihres Gepäcks. Sie müssen Ihre Versicherung im voraus bei Ihrer Anmeldung buchen.

Erfahren Sie mehr über unsere Versicherung »


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