C1 Business English

CA Institute



1-52 Wochen
Jeden Montag
Unterrichtseinheiten pro Woche
1 lesson per week (jede Kurseinheit entspricht 50 Minuten)
Montag - Freitag

Der Stundenplan kann sich aufgrund der aktuellen Verfügbarkeit und Saison ändern.



CA Institute’s Business English courses are designed for today’s professionals who are seeking to further expand their understanding of business and culture.


To improve the level of students’ understanding of a foreign language and to get the students to use the language in an effective manner to improve communication within the business. To reach a C1+ level according to the CEFR.

End of course “CAN DO” statements

 I can describe cross-cultural experiences, report back on research, use tenses appropriately, introduce myself to a group.
 I can talk about career paths, manage the discussion in a meeting and share ideas, express attitudes to the past, get my point across.
 I can discuss working practices, give a formal presentation, speculate about future changes, show understanding.
 I can talk about different kinds of risk, take part in a teleconference, establish rapport.
 I can talk about team relationships, deal with conflict in negotiations, add emphasis appropriately, respond to feedback.
 I can discuss factors for success, solve problems and brainstorm ideas during meetings, use adverbs to qualify attitudes appropriately, use vague language.
 I can talk about training and learning, use communication strategies on the phone, use participle clauses and “the future in the past” appropriately.
I can express dissatisfaction, talk about employer/employee expectations, give an impromptu presentation, use questions effectively, deal with difficult questions.
 I can talk about resources, discuss options and reach decisions in meetings, use conditionals effectively, deal with misunderstandings.
 I can talk about leadership styles, give a briefing on change at a meeting, use the passive to depersonalize and distance yourself from information.
 I can express personal views, talk about values, reach an agreement, use inversion for emphasis, raise a difficult point.
 I can talk about persuasion, give a presentation to sell an idea, use discourse markers appropriately, give and respond to compliments.

Niveau des Sprachkurses

Sie werden am ersten Tag einen Einstufungstest in der Schule machen. Sie können diesen Test auch vor Ihrer Ankunft in Brünn machen.


Durchschnitt 4 Studenten
Maximum 10 Studenten

Alter der Sprachschüler

Altersdurchschnitt 3 Jahre und älter


Ein Zertifikat wird am Ende des Sprachkurses ausgestellt.


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100% empfehlen

basierend auf 10 Bewertungen
5 Sterne
4 Sterne
3 Sterne
2 Sterne
1 Stern
Qualität des Unterrichts
Ausstattung der Sprachschule
Lage der Schule

"Der Intensiv-Kurs war ganz gut, ich hatte aber mehr erwartet."

Friedrich Sernetz, Sprachschüler aus Deutschland

Es war gut, dass ich Einzelunterricht hatte. Es war auch von Vorteil, dass in der zweiten Woche eine andere Lehrerin den Unterricht übernahm. Ich habe davon profitiert, dass in beiden Wochen vieles wiederholt wurde, dass ich bereits gelernt hatte.In der zweiten Woche wurde dann endlich mein Wunsch erfüllt, Tschechisch über das Hören zu verstehen. Die Lehrerin hatte CD mit Texten, die vorgelesen wurden parallel zu den Textvorlagen, bei denen Worter oder Textpassagen nach Gehör zu schreiben waren. Diesen Wunsch hatte ich bei der Anmeldung geäußert. Er wurde aber erst an den letzten drei Tagen erfüllt. Genau das hatte mir nämlich gefehlt.
Aber ich habe auf jeden Fall trotzdem von den 2 Wochen Unterricht profitiert.


Meine Bewertung für diese Sprachschule

Qualität des Unterrichts
Ausstattung der Sprachschule
Lage der Schule
1 Woche
30 Aug 2021 - 10 Sep 2021
Würden Sie die Sprachschule weiter empfehlen?
Dies ist eine bestätigte Bewertung. Der Sprachschüler, der die Bewertung verfasst hat, hat diese Sprachreise bei Language International gebucht.


Claudia Dr. Ludwig, Sprachschüler aus Deutschland

Booked an intensive Czech for Beginners class starting from around New Years Eve 2018 for 7 days. I had 3 teachers and 2-4 hours per day with a break of 90 minutes after 2-3 hours, 25 hours all together.
I recommend strongly 1:1 lessons for foreigners in a lower season and suggest booking for not more than 3 hours per day as it is a lot of words and grammar to keep.

The school is located at a 15 minutes walk from the old town, in an end of 19th century house with restored interieur. The classrooms and other facilities are clean and comfortable and I missed really nothing. The organization from the very beginning, from the first contact to the end was good.
All the teachers were nice, creative and very well prepared for the lessons.

I booked an apartment on my own and went to small restaurants downtown for lunch and breakfast.

Even some days after returning back home I remembered words I was not able to keep during the classes ;-)
See you soon hopefully, and thank you!


Meine Bewertung für diese Sprachschule

Qualität des Unterrichts
Ausstattung der Sprachschule
Lage der Schule
31 Dec 2019 - 6 Jan 2019
Würden Sie die Sprachschule weiter empfehlen?
Dies ist eine bestätigte Bewertung. Der Sprachschüler, der die Bewertung verfasst hat, hat diese Sprachreise bei Language International gebucht.

"Great experience!"

Sára Pudilová, Sprachschüler aus Tschechische Republik

Being a student in CA is a great experience, my teacher is perfect, she is being careful, sensitive and polite. I feel like my knowledge of English is getting better. I would recommended this school to all who want to study and have fun.


Meine Bewertung für diese Sprachschule

Qualität des Unterrichts
Ausstattung der Sprachschule
Lage der Schule
9 Wochen
2 Oct 2017 - 8 Dec 2017
Würden Sie die Sprachschule weiter empfehlen?
Dies ist eine bestätigte Bewertung. Der Sprachschüler, der die Bewertung verfasst hat, hat diese Sprachreise bei Language International gebucht.


Aníbal González Carracedo

Everything was perfect. Absolutely. I spent in CA Institute 6 weeks and I learned a lot about english and about the Czech Republic What a awesome country!. I could do a lot of wonderful weekend trips all over the country. I also went to Austria and Slovakia (they are close to Brno). At the Institute, all the teachers did their best (I had a lot of teachers and I improved a lot). Also the staff was perfect. I felt at home thank all of them. Besides, they helped me to find a nice apartament in the city center. I strongly recommend CA institute to everyone. Definitely.


Meine Bewertung für diese Sprachschule

Qualität des Unterrichts
Ausstattung der Sprachschule
Lage der Schule
5 Wochen
16 Jul 2017 - 24 Aug 2017
Würden Sie die Sprachschule weiter empfehlen?

"I learned a lot."

Schwester Maria Michaela Roth, Sprachschüler aus Österreich

The classes and location were good, the teachers were nice and competent. The lessons were very interesting.


Meine Bewertung für diese Sprachschule

Qualität des Unterrichts
Ausstattung der Sprachschule
Lage der Schule
2 Wochen
6 Jun 2016 - 24 Jun 2016
Würden Sie die Sprachschule weiter empfehlen?
Dies ist eine bestätigte Bewertung. Der Sprachschüler, der die Bewertung verfasst hat, hat diese Sprachreise bei Language International gebucht.

"Amazing journey to Central Europe where you can learn English and also travel."

Tuomas Lantto

I had intensive course, which was 20 hours/week. I had four different teachers and that was nice because everybody had their own way to teach. That´s why I got the whole package includes listening, grammar, speaking, and pronunciation. They were flexible with the schedule for example if I wanted to travel somewhere. The school was really nice and I also liked Brno as a city because you can feel the real Czech atmosphere which you can't really see in touristic locations like Prague. Brno has also a really good location if you want to see other countries and cities around Central Europe. I had classmates from all around the world and it was pretty interesting to hear stories from their cultures. I can't tell anything about housing because I had my own accommodation. I want to thank Marketa for all of her tips and advice while staying in Brno and what to see when traveling.


Meine Bewertung für diese Sprachschule

Qualität des Unterrichts
Ausstattung der Sprachschule
Lage der Schule
14 Wochen
21 Feb 2016 - 3 Jun 2016
Würden Sie die Sprachschule weiter empfehlen?


Radek Fiala

The attitude of the Director, Mr. Dostal, was great. I took a big step in my English skills. and I want to recommend this Institute to all anyone who wants to learn English in its highest quality!


Meine Bewertung für diese Sprachschule

Qualität des Unterrichts
Ausstattung der Sprachschule
Lage der Schule
120 Wochen
1 Oct 2012 - 20 Jan 2015
Würden Sie die Sprachschule weiter empfehlen?

"A wonderful learning experience"

Paul Beard

CA Institute of Languages not only taught me a new skill in becoming a teacher, they helped me settle into life in a new town and went above and beyond what I was expecting.

Firstly, they provided me with accommodation close to the city centre, making sure that I knew where all the facilities were. They provide all students with a tour of the city and make everyone feel like home. All staff are extremely polite and always had time to speak if I needed to ask a question.

The classrooms were extremely clean and tidy which created a nice learning environment for me. The teachers that taught me helped a lot as this was a new skill that I was learning. They adopted their vast knowledge and helped me develop my newly learnt skills with a lot of practicum hours so that I could see myself developing into a teacher.

I do not have any bad points to say about this school. My time there was always a happy one and I wholeheartedly recommend this school to others who want that personal touch when being taught. I wished all my learning experiences were like this.

Final note about Brno... The city is amazing. Very clean and tidy. There always seemed to have social gatherings in the square and everyone seems to be enjoying themselves. Brno is a hidden gem that has everything one would want from a city in modern Europe.


Meine Bewertung für diese Sprachschule

Qualität des Unterrichts
Ausstattung der Sprachschule
Lage der Schule
11 Wochen
29 Sep 2014 - 19 Dec 2014
Würden Sie die Sprachschule weiter empfehlen?
Erik, Director at CA Institute responded to this review.
28 June 2015

Thanks! We really work hard to make sure that all of our students have the best experience here. Having clean, modern classrooms and a friendly professional team reduces that affective filter so that you can learn more.

"My splendid summer in Brno"

Zemlyanskaya Olga

Highly professional and friendly staff, well-organized classes with teaching techniques adapted to each student led me to perfect results. In 2 months' time I began speaking Czech fluently.
Central location of the school and accommodation gave me an opportunity to be in a walking distance from anything I needed. The apartment I was staying in was clean, neat, and large, it had everything for comfortable living: kitchen appliances, bed linen, etc.
CA helped me not only to study Czech but also feel at home. I celebrated one of my most pleasant birthdays with Marketa, Erik and Jonas. Thanks to Marketa and Erik I got to know more about the Czech Republic, about traditions, national food, I made friends with many new people. I will never forget time I spent in Brno.
I am dreaming of coming back soon.


Meine Bewertung für diese Sprachschule

Qualität des Unterrichts
Ausstattung der Sprachschule
Lage der Schule
9 Wochen
8 Jun 2014 - 13 Aug 2014
Würden Sie die Sprachschule weiter empfehlen?
Erik, Director at CA Institute responded to this review.
28 June 2015

Thanks! We had a great time too! It is all about having fun and learning something at the same time. We can't wait to have you back.


Roman Klat

Friendly and professional teachers and staff. My experience cannot be put in words. It was more than just a language school. They made me feel at home from the get go. What else can I say? The accommodation was pure luxury and whenever I had a problem, there was someone there to help me. My English improved like crazy even though I was in the Czech Republic because that was the common language I could use with the locals. The teachers were highly qualified and each lesson was interactive and an hour would fly by in just seconds.


Meine Bewertung für diese Sprachschule

Qualität des Unterrichts
Ausstattung der Sprachschule
Lage der Schule
17 Wochen
19 Aug 2014 - 18 Dec 2014
Würden Sie die Sprachschule weiter empfehlen?
Erik, Director at CA Institute responded to this review.
28 June 2015

We keep up with all the most modern methodologies and every lesson is better than the last. Thanks to our teacher development program put in place through Eaquals, we are reaching even higher levels.



Leider können wir für Sie kein Visum beantragen. Falls Sie ein Visum benötigen, kann Ihnen die Schule alle nötigen Unterlagen einschließlich der Annahmebestätigung und Quittung über die Zahlung der Gebühren zuschicken.

Ihre Buchungsbestätigung wird kostenfrei per Post an Ihre Heimatadresse geschickt. Wenn Sie Ihre Unterlagen per Express-Versand erhalten möchten, werden Ihnen 1,000 Kč bei der Anmeldung in Rechnung gestellt.

Flüge und Flughafentransfer

Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using Kayak.com, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Brünn based on your budget, schedule and preferences.


Sorglos im Ausland studieren mit einer Kranken- und Reiseversicherung von Language International. Wenn Sie einen Kurs bei uns buchen, können Sie auch eine international gültige Versicherung buchen, die nicht nur Ihre Kosten im Krankheitsfall deckt, sondern auch den Verlust Ihres Gepäcks. Sie müssen Ihre Versicherung im voraus bei Ihrer Anmeldung buchen.

Erfahren Sie mehr über unsere Versicherung »


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